Monday, October 3, 2011

Personal Message & Cyber Image

// reg.personal messages on social networks
Social networks are meant to be places for public talks but they are the places where people get more personal. It might be because that we have very less chance to have a face to face conversation to another person (in majority cases.)

The Fact...
I recently had a friend. In fact I mean that I am not close to her now. She was a kind of very conserved and closed minded person who seldom talks about her personal feelings. I rather found her recently talking aloud in the social network about her relationship and there were many people liking, commenting and sharing her romantic posts openly relating to the person with whom she is in love (God knows). Social networks give more space to expand our character, true color and even allows us to fake ourselves. I admit here openly that I have had many close encounters with different kinds of girls in my life. If social network was not there I would never have understood that many of them were so open minded like all boys dream. I seldom use this place for expressing my emotional and psychological cravings yet at this point I found it necessary to talk so. 
Personal Messages on social networks also play a very weird role in our daily life. I have seen my friends (both boys and girls) who are entirely different when they are on some personal messaging on social networks. That is a dialectic feeling for everyone to see that. Social network updates can give us what the psychological strength and growth of a person actually is. I started to see many depressed and even many depressants around me after getting active on social networks.
I have seen a college mate of mine (classmate) who runs a website which has starting letters similar to his name. He is the biggest emotional sadist I have seen in this world.  He finds happiness in others sadness and worry. He in true life bitches like a envy stricken snake. On the contrary the 'cyber image' created by him is so buttering and beautiful. I even has doubted about his true character when I saw his 'cyber image'.

The truth is that we all have a 'Cyber Image' which our mind asks us to formulate when we start using social networks. We all have a perception in which we want others to see us and even we have an urge to satisfy our emotional and physical cravings when we are online.

Sivaram Mony

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